Opportunities for Medical Education in Serbia Opportunities for Medical Education in Serbia

Opportunities for Medical Education in Serbia

Information for Indian Students interested in Studying medicine in Serbia

As per information provided by Universities in Serbia, their study programs in English language are identical with the programs in Serbian language with respect to number of teaching hours, practical training and internships, and educational contents. Foreign students have the same rights and liabilities as the Serbian students. The same degree is granted to all graduates irrespective of their nationality or country of origin, which will lead to registration with the relevant governing body to obtain license to practice medicine in line with relevant regulations. An Indian Student who studies medicine in any country abroad and wishes to register in India after completion of education; needs to register with the Medical Licensing Regulatory Body in the country degree is awarded & the Registration must be at Par with the Registration given to a local citizen of that country.


  1. What is the duration of a Medical Doctor Degree in Serbia for local students? - 6 years/12 semesters (equivalent to 360 ECTS, integrated single-cycle academic studies of the first and second cycle)
  2. What is the duration of a Medical Doctor Degree in Serbia for international especially Indian Students? – 6 years/12 semesters (equivalent to 360 ECTS, integrated single-cycle academic studies of the first and second cycle)
  3. What is the Language of instruction for a Medical Doctor Degree? - English for students enrolled to the Integrated academic studies in English. The entire teaching process (lectures and practice) is conducted in English at all study years.
  4. What is the provision & Duration of Internship in Serbia for international especially Indian Students? - After completing studies and obtaining the M.D. degree, graduates who want to obtain the license to practice medicine in Serbia must complete 6-month internship and pass the licensure exam (it is named “state exam”) by the Ministry of Health of Serbia. The exam is in Serbian language.
  5. Can an Indian student obtain a Registration for license to practice in Serbia that will be similar to the Registration granted to local students there? - Yes, both Serbian citizens and foreign citizens pass the same exam under the same conditions by the Ministry of Health of Serbia.
  6. What is the Process of Registration to get a license to practice as Doctor for local citizens of that country? - In general, foreign citizens who successfully passed the licensure exam at the Ministry of Health can apply for registration by the relevant regional medical chamber (it depends on their place or residence in Serbia). Details regarding registration by the Regional Medical Chamber of Vojvodina are available from .
  7. Do Serbia have any licensing exam to get license to practice as Doctor for local citizens and if Yes, in which language? - Yes, in Serbian language
  8. Will Serbia allow international students especially Indian Students to appear for a licensing exam or other applicable process to get license to practice as a Doctor in Serbia and if Yes, in which language? - Yes, in Serbian language "

For further details, pl. visit  :

Opportunities for Indian Students, including transfer students from other Universities to study in Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

   When it comes to the admission of first-year students, Faculty has 110 places available in two equal application periods – July and September.  The entrance exam comprises tests from Biology, Chemistry and an oral interview.

2. The list of courses is available at:

3. Transfer of Credits and Degree Equivalence:

As for the transfer of students who have already commenced their studies, the documents about the studies should first be filed to the University of Belgrade whose Commission will then decide on the recognition of studies done abroad. It is to underline that this process could take several months so it should be started as soon as possible. The number of available places in every academic year is 30, with the exception that the transfer cannot be done in the sixth (final) year of study. 

The degree obtained in Serbia is not automatically recognized abroad, and the nostrification procedure differs in various countries.  Clinical practice is offered as part of individual courses in the medical institutions belong to the Faculty’s teaching network.  All information regarding this process may be found at the University’s website:

4. Admission procedure and other formalities

Application form - filled out. Application forms are available from the Office of Student Affairs and online as interactive fillable form (editable PDF: which you can fill, print and sign.

  • Birth certificate and notarized translation into Serbian.
  • Original transcripts of all years from the High School and a High School Diploma accompanied by notarized translation into Serbian. Please note that for each document three notarized copies in total are necessary for admission - Two copies and original documents for the purpose of recognition of foreign documents submitted at Agency for Qualifications, Majke Jevrosime 51, and one copy for the Faculty of Medicine, along with the certificate from the Agency for Qualifications, stating that the nostrification process is under way, submitted at the Office of Student Affairs (Head Building, 2nd floor).
  • Photocopy of the passport (page with photo and personal data).
  • Certificate demonstrating competence in English language (Any certificate issued by foreign language Schools/Institutes for foreign languages will be accepted). Applicants from native English-speaking countries are excluded from this requirement.
  • Proof of payment for the 140 EURO application fee (Payment instructions are received directly from the Office of Student Affairs upon submission of documents)
  • Process of gaining visa/temporary stay- At the police department in Belgrade – after the enrollment, students will get a confirmation of their student status with which they should go to the police department in Belgrade to regulate their temporary stay based on their student status.

5. Tuition Fee: The tuition fee is EURO 7,000/- for one academic year, and students may pay an entire sum upon admission, or divide it in two instal lments – one upon admission, and the other at the start of the next semester. 

For further details, the following person can be contacted:

Ms. Biljana Buljugic,
Centar za obezbeđivanje kvaliteta, unapređivanje nastave i razvoj medicinske edukacije/ Center for quality assurance
Šef Odseka za studije na engleskom jeziku/Supervisor of Department for Studies in English
Koordinator Američko-austrijske fondacije/American-Austrian foundation Coordinator
Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu/ Faculty of Medicine University of Belgrade
Dr Subotica 8, Beograd, Srbija/ St. Dr Subotica, 8, Belgrade, Serbia
phone:  + 381 11 36 36 367
additional e-mail:



Opportunities for Indian Students, including transfer students from other Universities to study in Faculty of medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.

  1. Detailed information is available at:

  1. Number of Seats available for transfer students each year- 20
  2. Courses offered in English Medium:

            (I)  MEDICINE –



  1. Transfer of Credits:

The Faculty reviews applications and documentation and compares the knowledge gained so far. After that, they send to candidates the list of accepted exams (recognized ECTS credits) and courses that they need to take in the current academic year to make up for the difference, as well as the calculated amount of the tuition fee based on the ECTS credits they are due to accrue. Prospective candidates are expected to review the offered option in detail and return to Institution the signed document, thus agreeing to the offered transfer option. Afterwards, The Institution sends to candidates an official confirmation (Acceptance Letter), with which they can apply for entry visa to Serbia.

  • Admission procedure and other formalities – When they come to Novi Sad, prospective candidates are due to initiate the procedure for recognition of their previous education (i.e. transcript from the previous university) at the University of Novi Sad and to provide the Institution with a confirmation that they initiated the procedure within the shortest timeframe. In the bookshop of the Faculty of Medicine, they can buy an entire set of documents needed for the admission (student’s booklet, admission forms etc.). Students then submit to the Secretariat for Studies in English the required forms, student’s booklet, two photos, proof of payment of the tuition fee (first instalment), admission fee, proof of the initiated procedure for recognition of the previous education, as well as a copy of health insurance.
  • Process of gaining visa/temporary stay- At the police department in Novi Sad – after the enrollment, students will get a confirmation of their student status with which they should go to the police department in Novi Sad to regulate their temporary stay based on their student status.
  1. Degree Equivalence:

            The Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad is registered with the relevant        organizations – World Directory of Medical Schools   , ECFMG USA, WES             Canada, but the degree is subject to nostrification.

  1. Tuition Fee: As from the 2022/2023 academic year, the tuition fee will be EUR 6500 per year (for 60 ECTS credits). The tuition fee may be paid in entirety, in two or four installments.
  1. Deadline for receipt of applications for the next academic year: 1 June 2022

For further details, the following person can be contacted:


Dubravka Klajić, B.A.

International Relations Officer / Head of the Secretariat for Studies in English


Hajduk Veljkova 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia


tel:+381 21 420 102

fax: +381 21 66 24 153


e-mail: ;


All students are hereby informed that Medical License Exam in Serbia is conducted in Serbian Language.

Opportunities for Medical Education in Serbia