Joint Commemoration of Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi International Day of Non-Violence Joint Commemoration of Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi International Day of Non-Violence

Joint Commemoration of Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi International Day of Non-Violence

Joint Commemoration of Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

International Day of Non-Violence

Gandhi Street, New Belgrade

Thursday, October 1, 2015. at 12 noon

Embassy of India, jointly with United Nations Office in Belgrade, is commemorating Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of Indian nation.  Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948),known as Mahatma (a Great Soul), had during the 20th century, which was quite violent, succeeded in promoting  the philosophy of non-violent resistance and solving disputes, a unique experience in social protest that was later an inspiration to other world movements and individuals.  Gandhi demonstrated to the world the effectiveness of non-violent means for bringing about profound social changes and lasting peace, a universal message which continues to be relevant in today’s strife-torn world.

In 2007, at the initiative of the Government of India, The UN General Assembly passed a unanimous Resolution to declare October 2, the Mahatma’s birthday as the International Day of Non-Violence.  The Resolution was supported by the Government of Serbia. In the same year, the Government of Serbia installed the Gandhi bust, a gift from Government of India, at the Gandhi street in New Belgrade, so named in 1970.

Floral tributes will be organized at the Gandhi bust on Thursday, October 1, 2015 from 12 noon onwards to pay homage to this great soul.

H.E. Ms. Maja Gojković, President of the National Assembly of Serbia, H.E. Ms. Narinder Chauhan, Ambassador of India and H.E. Ms. Irena Vojačkova – Sollorano, UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia, Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Serbia will be among those who will pay homage to the Father of the Indian Nation. The favorite hymns of Gandhi will be played on this occasion.

Place: Belgrade

Date: September 30, 2015
