Hindi Chair established at Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad Hindi Chair established at Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad

Hindi Chair established at Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad

Hindi Chair established at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the establishment of the ICCR Teacher for Hindi Language at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Novi Sad, was signed today between Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), New Delhi andFaculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad. Ambassador of India to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mrs. Narinder Chauhan, signed the MoU on behalf of ICCR alongwith Prof. Dr Ivana Zivancevic Sekeruš, Dean of Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad.

Under the terms of agreement, ICCR will depute a Hindi Teacher and meet costs relating to the salary and international air passages. The Hindi Teacher will teach as per the curricular requirements of the Faculty of Philosophy and will take part in other activities such as departmental seminars, conferences, faculty meetings etc. as mutually agreed between the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad and the Hindi Teacher. The MOU will remain valid for a period of 5 years.

The Hindi Chair can be considered as a major step in propagation of India related studies in Serbia and an opportunity for the Serbian students to learn Hindi Language in Serbia. The establishment of Hindi Chair will also help in fostering and strengthening academic and cultural links between India and Serbia and further help Serbian students to enhance their knowledge and awareness about India. This is the first Chair of its kind in Serbia.

On this occasion, Ambassador of India delivered a lecture to the students of the University on India’s Culture and Economy. She also gifted books on India’s literature, economy, culture, history and art to the Faculty of Philosophy. The Dean of the Faculty thanked Ambassador for this gesture and described the establishment of the Chair as ‘history in the making’

Place: Belgrade
Date: May 20, 2016
