Ambassador inaugurates India-Serbia Tourism Workshop, Belgrade,  
13th December 2016
Ambassador inaugurates India-Serbia Tourism Workshop, Belgrade, 13th December 2016

Ambassador inaugurates India-Serbia Tourism Workshop, Belgrade, 13th December 2016

Embassy of India


Press Release 

Ambassador inaugurates India-Serbia Tourism Workshop, Belgrade, 13th December 2016

Embassy of India in Belgrade in collaboration with the Incredible India Tourism Office in Frankfurt and National Tourism Organization of Serbia organized Incredible India Tourism Workshop on 13th December 2016 in Belgrade. The workshop was aimed at linking tourism authorities, tour operators, media persons and experts with a view to enhancing tourism flow between two historically friendly countries. The workshop was organized under the MOU on Tourism and in implementation of decision taken during the meeting between Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office of India and Mr Rasim Ljajic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism & Telecommunications of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade on 13th October 2016.

The workshop was attended by nearly 100 tour operators, senior government officials, airlines, media, etc. H.E. Mrs. Narinder Chauhan, Ambassador of India informed about electronic tourism visa facility which has been utilized by more than 250 Serbian tourists since it was extended to Serbia in February 2016.  In her welcome address, Indian Ambassador informed that there has been a 20% year on growth in the numbers of Serbian tourist arrivals in India. Mr Jitendra Jadhav, Assistant Director, India Tourism office Frankfurt presented India as a tourist destination to Serbian tour operators and showcased Indian tourism potentials. National Tourism Organization of Serbia expressed interest in enhancing and deepening the interaction between tourism organizations of the two countries. Ms Renata Pindzo, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Trade, Tourism & Telecommunications emphasized close collaboration in the field of tourism. During the workshop, TAL Aviation presented the business activities of Jet Airways and informed about flights across India in cooperation with partner airlines Etihad Airways. 

On the sidelines of the workshop and in consultation with all stakeholders it was decided that a familiarization visit of Serbian tour operators to India will be organized to promote group tours to India in view of growing interest.

India is a year-round tourism destination, including medical tourism adventure tourism, desert tourism, beach tourism, Himalayan tourism, spiritual tourism, touring forts and palaces etc. Measures taken to promote tourism include: (i)  e-TV facility extended to Serbia; (ii)  revision of Air Services Agreement to improve air connectivity; (iii) participation in annual Belgrade International Tourism Fair;  (iv) outdoor promotion through bus branding and billboards, (v) organization of tour operators workshop alongwith Etihad Airways (2014); (vi)  participation by Serbian tour operator Fly Travel in the GET-INDIA 2015 Seminar.

Place: Belgrade

Date: December 15, 2016