Second Meeting of India-Serbia Business Forum Second Meeting of India-Serbia Business Forum

Second Meeting of India-Serbia Business Forum

Embassy of India


Press Release

Second Meeting of India-Serbia Business Forum

   The Embassy of India, Belgrade organized the second meeting of the India-Serbia Business Forum on 27 February 2017 in the backdrop of visit by H.E. Mr Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia to India in January 2017 and to prepare for the third session of the India-Serbia Joint Economic Committee that was held on 10th March through video conferencing.

   Mrs Narinder Chauhan, Ambassador of India and Mr Nemanja Stevanovic State Secretary, Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs co-chaired the forum. Ambassador presented the latest developments in India-Serbia relations including historic visit of  H.E. Mr Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and ongoing initiatives which are aimed at deepening bilateral economic relations. State Secretary Nemanja Stevanovic acknowledged India as world’s economic superpower and underlined that India could assist Serbia’s development in many areas including ICT sector. Mr Zeljko Sertic, Director of the Serbian Development Agency stressed on the need of enhancing bilateral trade and spoke about administrative & legal issues Serbia has to solve in order to attract more investments from India. The Forum was attended by more than 60 Serbian businesspersons from varied sectors, senior Serbian government functionaries including  Dr. Viktor Nedović, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Education, Science & Technological Development;  Mr Sava Savic, Assistant Minister for ICT Sector, Ministry of Trade, Tourism & Telecommunications;  Ms. Aleksandra Cupovic, Head of India Desk, Ministry of Agriculture;  Mr Vladimir Bozovic, Advisor, Prime Minister’s Office;  Ms Margareta Maric Nikolic, Member of Cabinet of First Deputy Prime Minister & Foreign Minister; Ms. Ljiljana Belojevic, Minister Counsellor for India Desk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; representatives of Indian and Serbian businesses, Serbian Business Chambers and media persons.

   The Forum was informative and participants discussed opportunities that would enhance bilateral trade and investment. Representatives of Indian TAFE tractors voiced their interest in strategic partnership with Serbian tractor manufacturer IMT which is in the process of privatization. Concerns were raised on difficulty in registering Indian pharma products in Serbia which is hampering direct investment by Indian companies and resulting in loss of revenues to Serbia. Several other Serbian companies presented their experiences in doing business with India, such as TAL Aviation- representative of Jet Airways, Air Serbia, Schneider Electric DMS, Glotec, Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, PharMillennium Consulting doo, Glob Metropoliten Tours, Slovo doo, Serbian Chamber of Commerce & Industry etc.

Place: Belgrade
Date: March 23, 2017