Performance of Dance – Drama ''Where the Shadow Ends'' Performance of Dance – Drama ''Where the Shadow Ends''

Performance of Dance – Drama ''Where the Shadow Ends''

Embassy of India
Press Release

Performance of Dance – Drama ''Where the Shadow Ends'' By Kryative Theatre from Bangalore

Embassy of India, Belgrade, has great pleasure to announce Live performance of Indian Theatre Group “Where the Shadow Ends“ by actors from Kriyative Theatre, an established theatre company based in Bangalore, led by Laxmi Chandrashekar. Kriyative Theatre group will visit Serbia at the invitation of INFANT Festival of Novi Sad. Details of their performances in different cities are as follows :

27th June, 2017: at the cultural Center of Novi Sad
29th June, 2017: at the Cultural Center of Zrenjanin
30th June, 2017: at the Cultural Center of Niš
1st July, 2017: at the Student's Cultural Center of Belgrade (within BELEF Festival) 2nd July, 2017: at the Cultural Center of Leskovac

''Where the Shadow Ends“ is contemporary interpretation of an epic story. The narrative travels through myths and history that are common accross cultures and looks at how myths have turned into histroy and shaped the moral fabric of societies across the world.

The play is in English and uses contemporary movement and text to explore the space between reality and shadows of the past. The play was premiered at Bangalore's renowned theatre, Ranga Shankara in June 2016 and has been well received in India.

All interested are cordially invited.

June 9th, 2017