Performance of Dance – Drama ''Where the Shadow Ends''
By Kryative Theatre from Bangalore Performance of Dance – Drama ''Where the Shadow Ends'' By Kryative Theatre from Bangalore

Performance of Dance – Drama ''Where the Shadow Ends'' By Kryative Theatre from Bangalore

Embassy of India


Press Release 

Performance of Dance – Drama ''Where the Shadow Ends''
By Kryative Theatre from Bangalore

Embassy of India, Belgrade, has great pleasure to announce Live performance of Indian Theatre Group “Where the Shadow Ends“ by actors from Kriyative Theatre, an established theatre company based in Bengaluru, led by Laxmi Chandrashekar. Kriyative Theatre group will visit Serbia at the invitation of INFANT Festival of Novi Sad. Details of their performances in different cities are as follows :

27th June, 2017, 2000 hrs at the cultural Center of Novi Sad
29th June, 2017, 2100 hrs at the Cultural Center of Zrenjanin
30th June, 2017, 2030 hrs at the Cultural Center of Niš
1st July, 2017, 2100 hrs at the Student's Cultural Center of Belgrade (within BELEF Festival)
2nd July, 2017, 1900 hrs at the Cultural Center of Leskovac

`Where the Shadow Ends’ is a contemporary interpretation of an epic story which blends contemporary dance movement with text to explore how myths have turned into history and shaped the moral fabric of societies across the world. It moves seamlessly between the personal and the political, whilst questioning notions of duty, belief, loyalty, patriotism and patriarchy. The play has been produced in collaboration with Serbian performer, Kristian Al Droubi and explores the similarities between Indian and Serbian myths. The 80 minute play is in English and has won critical acclaim from viewers everywhere. The play will immensly contribute to the understanding of the two cultures.

The Kriyative Theatre is known for its creative experiments in theatre and are engaged in producing plays which are purposeful and artistic. The group has participated in a number of national and international theatre festivals and performed over 600 shows of 19 plays. For more details, please visit the link:

Excerpt of the play me be accessed at:

This experimental work is designed to shock, tease and tickle you into thinking. All interested are cordially invited.

June 23, 2017