India-Serbia Cooperation in the field of Archives India-Serbia Cooperation in the field of Archives

India-Serbia Cooperation in the field of Archives

Embassy of India

Press Release

India-Serbia Cooperation in the field of Archives

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on archival cooperation was signed in Belgrade on 18th October between the National Archives of India and the Archives of Yugoslavia, Republic of Serbia.

Ambassador of India to the Republic of Serbia Mrs. Narinder Chauhan and Director of Archives of Yugoslavia, Republic of Serbia Mr. Milan Terzic signed the MOU.

The objective of the MOU is to establish bilateral inter-institutional cooperation and relations in the areas of heritage, historical documentation, conservation, etc. Under the terms of agreement, both countries will promote professional exchange on archival management covering organization of reciprocal exhibitions on historical themes of mutual interest, exchanging visits of archival experts, etc.

Signing of the MOU is another step forward in fostering partnership between the two friendly nations.

Place: Belgrade

Date : 20th October, 2017