Serbia and India launch cooperation in science, technological development and innovations Serbia and India launch cooperation in science, technological development and innovations

Serbia and India launch cooperation in science, technological development and innovations

Ministry of Education, Science

and Technological Development

October 3,2017

Serbia and India launch cooperation in science, technological development and innovations 

In accordance with the Agreement on Cooperation in the fields of Science and Technology between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of India, the Second Meeting of the Serbia-India Scientific and Technological Cooperation Joint Committee was held in Belgrade on 2-3 October 2017.

The Ccommittee was co-chaired by Prof. Dr. Viktor Nedović, Assistant Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and Dr. Jagdish Chander, Scientist - G/Adviser, International Bilateral Cooperation, Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of India. Ambassador of the Republic of India H.E. Narinder Chohan  also participated in the meeting and on her part strongly supported the establishment of  cooperation in these areas.

Bearing in mind the need to support scientific and technological cooperation on the basis of parity and reciprocal interest, and while respecting national priorities, the two countries’ officials, at the Second Meeting of the Serbia-India Joint Committee, agreed on and signed a Protocol in the field of science and technological development  as well as a Programme of Cooperation on Science and Technology between the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of India.

The Programme of Cooperation on Science and Technology envisages that the first call for joint project proposals will be announced in the second half of 2018, after previously holding two workshops in the first half of the year, with one to be held in Serbia, and to include the participation of prominent scientists from India, and the second to be held in India, with the participation of Serbian scientists. The workshops will be related to priority areas of cooperation (biotechnology and ICT).

During the visit, the Indian delegation visited the University of Belgrade Restorate, Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Institute for Biological Research "Siniša Stankovic", and the Innovation Fund, where they had the opportunity to exchange experiences with researchers, and review the potential of innovative companies (Coprix Media, Milinkovic Company and NovelIC).