Support letter from the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the IDY Support letter from the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the IDY

Support letter from the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the IDY

Letter No. 680-00-33.2015-01 of 25 May 2015 from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia

Embassy of the Republic of India
Djordja Radojlovića 7a

The Embassy of India, Belgrade approached the Ministry of Youth and Sports on the occasion of marking the First International Day of Yoga, 21 June, and proposed it to also be marked in Serbia under the joint patronage of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and Embassy of the Republic of India.

June 21 was declared as the International Day of Yoga by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on December 11, 2014, at India’s initiative, with a record number of 193 delegates and 177 countries co-sponsoring it, including Serbia.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports supports all activities which contribute to the increase of participation in sport and physical activity among all population segments. In that sense, we extend our support to marking the International Day of Yoga in Serbia on 21 June, through media promotion by the in print and electronic media, and Ministry of Youth and Sports will on this occasion put up on its official website the information on marking this day, and will invite all citizens to massively take part in this manifestation.

We hope this manifestation will be successfully promoted, and Ministry of Youth and Sports will, as many times so far, support the best values of sport, healthy lifestyles, and sport participation of the entire population, which is one of the priorities of the Sport Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the period 2014-2018.

Yours Sincerely,

Vanja Udovičić
