Kendirya Hindi Sansthan (KHS), Agra scholarship for 2025-26 Kendirya Hindi Sansthan (KHS), Agra scholarship for 2025-26

Kendirya Hindi Sansthan (KHS), Agra scholarship for 2025-26

Embassy of India, Belgrade

Scholarship to study Hindi at Kendriya Hindi Sansthan Agra (India)

Kendriya Hindi Sansthan Agra (KHS) has invited applications for Scholarship for the Academic Session, 2025-26 to study Hindi at KHS, Agra under the scheme of "Propagation of Hindi Abroad" at KHS Agra. Under this scheme scholarship is awarded every year to candidate(s) from selected foreign countries for studying Hindi. The scheme is administered by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.

The candidates selected for award of scholarship are granted admission by the KHS at its headquarters at Agra and will be given air fare (economy class) both ways by shortest route by the Sansthan.a

Those candidates whose age is between 19 and 45 years and with twelve (12) years of school (10+2) or college education are eligible to apply. For Brochure, Application and full eligibility details, please visit: Candidates are advised to read brochure carefully before applying.

Interested candidates may submit their complete original applications (hard copies) to this Embassy by 10th March, 2025. For any clarification/query please contact

For Brochures and the application forms click here.